Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lars Vester

Lars Vester is quite popular in here. A lot of people pop in to admire his work. I am pretty happy about that as himself and his partner Wen are very lovely people. 

Here is his Artist Statement.
As an artist, I’m fascinated by the way nature can be brought to life by light and weather–as if it’s trying to tell us a story. In a sense, I see my role to be more of a storyteller, speaking on behalf of nature, than merely a painter. Through my work, I try to capture those ‘You just had to be there’ moments that Mother Nature sometimes create, and aim to connect viewers to the everyday subjects around us that we often overlook.

I am forever chasing that magical light that so rarely presents itself, and when it does, usually only last for a very short period. When I eventually find it, it forms the basis for a new piece of work. I prefer to work in a loose style, while creating a harmonious marriage between illusion and reality. I usually achieve this by infusing my work with a sense of mystery and intrigue, creating atmosphere and depth through dramatic foreground textures that transition into softer focal points.

My latest work has been inspired by my local area, and is themed ‘West End in a Different Light’. This series focusses on the beauty that is right before our eyes every day, but perhaps we never stop to view and admire.

Lars creating his Art


His wall in the Gallery

Great Southern Land


Close Encounter


Purple Haze

Riverside Shade

And my  mini interview

What inspires you to create?

Mother Nature and all of her mischief.

What are your hopes for the future?

That my customers don't run out of wall space...Oh, and to win the Glover Art Prize

Name a few things that make you happy?

Art, Music, Friends, Family. And seeing people getting joy from my work. 

Who are some of your favourite Artists?

Too many to list, but some of my favourites are William Turner, PS. Krøyer and David Boyd.

I always ask who peoples favourite music artists are as I like to stick a clip at the end.

A bit of Richard Ashcroft played VERY LOUD in the studio always get me going.


A Song For The Lovers - Richard Ashcroft

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